Winter is Here

By Kate Fruchey, LMT

Winter is here. Massage and bodywork can help.

 It’s inevitable. It happens every year whether we like or not. No matter what we do to prepare, it happens too soon. The days get shorter, the wind gets colder, and just like that… it’s winter. 

If you’ve lived in Chicago for more than 5 minutes no one has to tell you the impact of winter is real. The tendency to withdraw is strong; lack of light affects our mood at a physiological level. Instinct and intuition beg us to slow down, rest, hibernate; yet the world demands as much (if not more) of our time and energy as it did in those first glorious days of spring and summer. It’s a tough dynamic to balance.

While we may not be able to hibernate for weeks at a time, taking an hour once or twice a month to do exactly as nature intended this time of year can help ease the negative effects of the season. Studies show that regular massages improve mood and reset circadian rhythms, leading to better sleep and more energy. 

A bit more energy this time of year can make a big difference. When our energy is too low we might be inclined to cancel that coffee date with a friend, skip pilates or yoga, or put off a phone call to someone we care about. But these types of activities are as important as resting in winter because they keep us connected. Being connected to community and physically active are also powerful tools in maintaining our health and boosting our mood. Finding that balance is tricky and it looks different for everyone. Don’t forget we are here to help!