Five Point's Response to COVID-19

EDIT: Five Point will be closed until March 14 amid growing risk of COVID-19. Thank you for your understanding.

As concerns rise around the global coronavirus pandemic, Five Point is doing our part to keep our staff and community safe. We’re here to support your health and wellness, and for the time being we are staying open while we closely monitor the situation. Your safety is always a priority, and we already adhere to rigorous cleaning standards as a medical clinic. We’re taking additional steps to mitigate risk to our community based on recommendations from the CDC, WHO, and state and local officials. 

What We’re Doing

  • Using universal precautions such as frequent hand washing and hand sanitizer use.

  • Wiping down community chairs, treatment surfaces, laptops, and other frequently touched surfaces with alcohol or chlorine-based disinfectants.

  • Instructing employees to stay home if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness. 

  • Having masks and gloves available for staff and practitioners to wear at their discretion. This is not because they are sick but to prevent the spread of illness.

  • Removing a chair in the community room so patients are more than 6 feet apart.

  • Washing washcloths after every use by patients.

  • Washing cloth blankets and spraying space blankets with disinfectant once per day.

What We Ask of You

  • Wash your hands upon entering the clinic either at the practitioner sink in the community space or the restroom. Hand sanitizer is available for your use throughout the clinic.

  • Please stay home if you’re experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, even if they’re mild, unless you’ve tested negative for COVID-19 and haven’t had a fever for 24 hours.

  • Please stay home if you’ve been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or if you’ve recently traveled from a country that has reported COVID-19 cases in the last 14 days. 

  • We never charge a fee for cancellation due to illness.

Take Your Herbs!

We have stocked up on raw, granule, and encapsulated herbs. Raw herbs are the most potent and best at combating active sick symptoms. Granules and capsules can be used preventatively. Schedule a phone consultation if you’re sick, and we can make a custom formula based on your symptoms. We can also refill current formulas if you chose not to come in for treatments at this time. 

We understand this is an unprecedented time for our city, country, and world. Please take care of yourselves and your community. We’ll continue to communicate with you if anything changes.

Well Wishes,

Celeste, Ryan, Nathan, and the Five Point team


Center for Disease Control

World Health Organization

COVID-19 testing at Innovative Express Care

Coping with Stress During the 2019 n-COV Outbreak

Block Club Chicago’s list of closed businesses and organizations and other city-wide updates